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Bi-monthly EOS Support Newsletter [End Aug – 10/20/2023]: EOS EVM 0.6.0 is Live, Leap 5 Hard Fork Postponed, Pomelo's Last Season Ends, EOS Support Telegram Bot, Community Buzz and More
Bi-monthly EOS Support Newsletter [End Aug – 10/20/2023]: EOS EVM 0.6.0 is Live, Leap 5 Hard Fork Postponed, Pomelo's Last Season Ends, EOS Support Telegram Bot, Community Buzz and More

Published on October 24, 2023

Markus Hinrichs avatar
Written by Markus Hinrichs
Updated over a week ago

Author: Markus Hinrichs

Editor: Randall Roland

The EOS EVM Unveils a New Era

In a groundbreaking development, EOS EVM 0.6.0 made its grand entrance on October 16, breathing fresh life into the trustless bridge's capabilities, all while maintaining full EVM compatibility. With the advent of EOS EVM 0.6.0, the horizon expands, welcoming the EOS Native version of USDT, now represented by an ERC-20 Token on EOS EVM.

Steven Diesel, ENF, in a recent fireside chat on October 18, weighed in on this monumental stride:

EOS native USDT can now be bridged trustless over to EOS EVM—no additional trust required.

Adding USDT opens doors to DeFi possibilities that rely heavily on stablecoin functionality. What comes next? Call to action and bridge messages. Bridge USDT back and forth. And in the future, a broadening of this offer to include other tokens and more will be explored.

This release has been a game-changer, rearranging components in the GitHub repo and setting the stage for increased activity now that this capability is in play.

  • Still, the aspiration of directly bridging USDT to other blockchains via EOS EVM still needs to be fulfilled. However, during a recent fireside chat meeting, Zack Gall, in response to a query from host Stéphane Bisson, highlighted the emergence of MesonFi as a promising solution. This groundbreaking platform manages to keep fees remarkably low.

More EVM Excitement

ENF brought some news with the announcement of EOS EVM's integration into dApp Radar. Explore the emerging Web3 trends with ENF and dApp Radar in a Twitter Space they hosted on October 17.

Antelope Leap 5.0 Upgrade

A twist in the tale, as ENF has decided to postpone the much-anticipated Leap 5.0 hard fork. Zack Gall underscored the Herculean challenge posed by a hard fork—coordination, not just with Block Producers and Node Operators but also with numerous exchanges. The price of such an endeavor?

“Collectively, we are talking about hundreds of thousands, if not over a million dollars in time and expenses to execute a hard fork,” Zack Gall from the ENF.

A historical context reveals that hard forks require 3–4 months of meticulous planning. A hard fork doesn't seem ideal, with multiple holiday seasons looming during this timeframe (Christmas holidays, Chinese New Year). Consequently, the notion of a hard fork was put to rest during the last Block Producer Call.

Currently, version 5.0.0 rests comfortably in the RC stage, still being prepared for production. But when it reaches stability, Areg Hayrapetian, the Director of Engineering at ENF, affirms that the journey will commence.

To delve deeper into this technically, check out our recent EOS Node Operator Roundtable Summary.

Onwards and Upwards with EOS Support and EOS Respect

Stay tuned for the next EOS Respect election in November and learn about the benefits of an EOS Respect Membership. Convinced? Apply here.

EOS Community Unleashed: Engage, Transform, and Connect!

  • Monthly Fireside Transformation: The weekly EOS fireside chat is evolving into a monthly gathering, potentially with a new name, to better align with its changing format and offer more engaging content.

  • Community Engagement & Gaming: Starting from the first week of November, a casual community-building platform is established every Wednesday 7PM – 8 UTC, featuring discussions, voice chats, and gaming activities. A commitment to engage with the community and share the purpose and vision of EOS, focusing on philosophical values, technology enthusiasm, and exploring compelling stories for promotion.

  • Twitter Spaces Weekly Conversations: Every Tuesday at 3 PM UTC, Twitter Spaces sessions create a space for discussions on various EOS ecosystem projects.

UNICOVE's EVM Bridge Takes Flight

Aaron Cox introduced a new bridge, and Unicove aims to serve all Antelope chains. The first feature on their radar? EVM bridging, designed to facilitate intra-account transfers.

“We want you to be able to do transfers between any of your accounts. You'd use Anchor or any other Antelope Wallet, and then you'd log in with something like Metamask. We know who you are on both sides of the equation, and we let you transfer between your accounts.” — Aaron Cox, Greymass

The process is supposed to be as seamless as your traditional bank account. The transition from EVM to Native happens effortlessly, laying the foundation for further expansions.

Upland's Remarkable Strides in GameFi

Upland, the leading Web3 metaverse game running on the EOS blockchain, has secured a staggering $7 million in funding to expand its metaverse super app. Notably, $1.5 million of this investment comes from EOS Network Ventures. For more details, please take a look at this Decrypt article.

And Much More…

  • HyphaDao Beta launch

  • Upscale (former Eden)

    • All delegate meeting was held on October 19

  • Antelope Coalition (EOS, TLOS, WAX, and UX) meetings.

    • Meeting from October 5th: RAM limitation fixes, P2P optimized transactions, peer discovery, Instant Finality, IBC Approvers, and provide an update on Wallet SDK Approvers.

  • ZEOS Founder Mathias Schönebeck, first time on the fireside chat:

“At the moment, we have a complete lack of privacy. Transactions are linked to your identity. This is a privacy nightmare.

ZEOS, a groundbreaking innovation within the Antelope ecosystems, was presented by the talented developer Mathias Schönebeck. Unlike other privacy projects, such as Zcash and pEOS, ZEOS goes beyond merely enabling private transactions. It has its own wallet and will enable private Contract interactions, ensuring privacy for every dApp on the blockchain.
According to Mathias, with the forthcoming performance enhancements of Leap 5/Leap 6, ZEOS will handle all intricate cryptographic processes on-chain. Currently, ZEOS operates on the UX testnet.

Community Shows & Discussions

Stay tuned as the EOS ecosystem continues to evolve with innovation and community-driven projects on the horizon.

Take advantage of the latest happenings in the EOS community. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments. Follow EOS Support on Twitter.

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