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Bi-monthly Node Operator Roundtable Summary [September 2023 #1]
Bi-monthly Node Operator Roundtable Summary [September 2023 #1]

Published on September 22, 2023

Markus Hinrichs avatar
Written by Markus Hinrichs
Updated over a week ago

Author: Mark Bailey, Markus Hinrichs
Editor: Randall Roland

Node operators, Antelope core developers, and community members get together each week to talk about the network and how it's developing. The primary objective of each Node Operator Roundtable is:

" improve the Antelope protocol (specifically) for node operators."

Roundtables occur every Wednesday. Visit the Telegram channel for information about joining. The EOS Network Foundation provides tutorials and documentation for those who want to learn the basics of operating an EOS node.

Below is a list of the roundtables contained within this bi-monthly summary:

Look for additional meeting notes and comments on GitHub. Videos reside on the ENF’s YT.

September 6: Early API node testing for Leap 5.0.0

API Node Testing and Read-Only Transaction Parallelization: The meeting focused on API node testing, particularly read-only transaction parallelization, which involved requests like get infos, get blocks, and custom read-only contracts. It aimed to understand the impact of the update on chainbase size and resident memory size.

Challenges of Using Artificial Loads for Testing: An issue discussed was the difficulty of using artificially-generated loads for testing parallelization. Such loads may not accurately reflect real-world conditions, potentially yielding unreliable test results.

Focus on Leap 5.0 Upgrade Preparation: The primary focus was on preparations for the Leap 5.0 upgrade. Deferred transaction disabling was a crucial aspect, initially on testnets with plans for the mainnet.

Emphasis on Early API Node Testing: Participants were encouraged to engage in early API node testing following provided instructions to ensure the stability and proper functioning of Leap 5.0 features.

Critical Concern for App Compatibility: App developers were urged to verify that the Leap 5.0 upgrade wouldn't negatively impact their applications, given the imminent upgrade schedule.

Issues with the Wharf Kit Test Suite: Discussions included the usage of the "Wharf kit test Suite," highlighting some confusion and missing information on its effective usage.

Substreams for Measuring Deferred Transactions: Substreams were proposed as a method to measure deferred transactions on testnets. Coordination with block producers was essential to ensure proper disabling of deferred transactions.

Coordination with Block Producers for Upgrade Planning: The meeting addressed coordination with block producers to ensure a smooth transition for the Leap 5.0 upgrade, especially those who had not responded to the call for deferred transaction disabling.

September 13: Disabling deferred transactions

Steady Progress in Deferred Transaction Disabling: In a concise 16-minute discussion, participants provided encouraging updates on disabling deferred transactions. The majority of Block Producers (BPs) reported successful disabling on Jungle and Kailyn networks. Tests were planned to confirm the status on EOS mainnet.

Focused API Node Testing: The meeting had a determined atmosphere as participants discussed API node testing, emphasizing the need for documentation and testing progress feedback. There was a sense of anticipation surrounding read-only thread configuration and performance benchmarking.

Addressing Bugs in Jungle and EOS Mainnet: Participants acknowledged bugs in Jungle and EOS mainnet with a commitment to finding solutions.

Awaiting Instant Finality Integration: The group expressed eagerness for instant finality integration, even though it might not meet the initial target date of September 29th. Expectations were positive for a slightly delayed release.

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