pBox Privacy dApp

The pBox offers privacy and anonymity in the world of Blockchain to safeguard sensitive financial information from unauthorized access.

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

Image source: https://pixabay.com/

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What is pBox?

The pBox project aims to address privacy and anonymity by introducing a solution enabling private transactions on the EOS Blockchain. A sender can send assets to a receiver without knowing the account names of each other. Thus, sensitive pieces of financial information are protected from unauthorized access.

pBox dApp's Features

The following features are seamlessly crafted within the pBox dApp:

  • Enhanced Privacy

As the sender and receiver account names are not known to each other, their sensitive financial information is safeguarded from unauthorized access.

  • Anonymity

Users can perform anonymous transactions on the EOS Blockchain while using the pBox dApp. By leveraging zero-knowledge proof, pBox allows verifiable transactions without disclosing personal details, thus safeguarding the user's identity.

  • Security

pBox provides a secure and trustworthy environment for transactions, ensuring their integrity. Using zero-knowledge proof, based on cryptographic principles, ensures that confidential data remains safeguarded, thus minimizing the potential for fraudulent activities or data breaches.

  • User-friendliness

The design of the pBox dApp prioritized user convenience as a critical aspect. Its flawless integration with EOS Blockchain offers a smooth and uncomplicated user experience.


Transparency is the fundamental characteristic of Blockchain technology. If you seek to maintain privacy and anonymity and don't want to flaunt your wealth to others, you can conduct a private transaction using pBox. You can donate to this privacy project by visiting its Pomelo grant page.

Learn how pBox works in our detailed step-by-step guide.

Author: Sukanta Manna

Editor: Markus Hinrichs

Sources & References

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