
Unicove is a portal to Antelope blockchains, a secure & easy to use Web Wallet that gives you full control of your tokens.

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Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

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In blockchain terms, secure and easy-to-use web wallets are becoming essential tools for managing cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Unicove is a prominent player in this space, offering a comprehensive interface tailored to meet the diverse needs of Antelope account holders. In this article, we delve into the features that make Unicove's web wallet stand out as a secure and user-friendly solution for Antelope users.

Unicove Secure Web Wallet

The Greymass team presents Unicove, a secure web wallet for Antelope users to manage their digital assets without compromising on safety. The platform employs robust encryption and authentication protocols, ensuring that sensitive information and private keys remain inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. This commitment to security builds trust and instills confidence among users.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout aspects of Unicove's web wallet is its user-friendly interface. The platform's design prioritizes ease of use and intuitive navigation, making it accessible even to those new to the world of cryptocurrencies.

Comprehensive Features for Antelope Accounts

  • Account Overview: Upon logging in, users are presented with a clear overview of their accounts, including token balances, and resource details. This snapshot allows users to quickly assess their portfolio's performance.

  • Secure Transactions: Unicove's web wallet ensures secure and fast transactions. Users can send and receive tokens effortlessly, with built-in transaction verification mechanisms that prevent errors and mitigate risks.

  • Buy tokens: The web wallet allows active EOS users to participate in the governance of the network through betting and voting mechanisms. The Unicove interface simplifies the process, allowing users to purchase tokens through the integrated service provided by Banxa.

  • Resource Management: Managing resources like RAM, CPU, and NET is streamlined within the web wallet. Users can easily monitor their resource consumption and make adjustments to ensure smooth account operation.

Mobile-Friendly Accessibility

Unicove's commitment to accessibility extends beyond desktop users. The web wallet is optimized for mobile devices, offering a responsive design that enables users to manage their accounts on the go. This flexibility caters to users' varying lifestyles and preferences.


The Greymass product, Unicove Web Wallet, presents a compelling blend of security and user-friendliness, creating an ideal product for Antelope account holders to manage their digital assets confidently. As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve, Unicove remains steadfast in its commitment to providing a secure and easy-to-use web wallet experience for the Antelope community.

Author: Cristhian Rincon

Editor: Markus Hinrichs

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