Rapidly responsive block explorer and wallet offering insights into transactions, accounts, tokens, and pricing.

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

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Introduction is a leading platform for exploring and visualizing transactions on the EOS blockchain. It offers an intuitive real-time interface to track, conduct, and analyze transactions, tokens, and accounts. With its user-friendly design, provides users with deep insight into activity on the EOS network, making it a valuable tool for EOS network users. From viewing transactions to monitoring tokens, is essential for those who want to stay on top of the dynamics of the EOS ecosystem.

Key Features

  • Real-time Tracking: Stay up-to-date with the latest transactions, blocks, and activities on the EOS blockchain in real-time. ensures you never miss a beat, enabling you to witness the network's vibrant ecosystem as it unfolds.

  • Detailed Transaction Insights: Dive deep into individual transactions to analyze sender and receiver addresses, token transfers, contract interactions, and more. With, understanding the flow of value and data has never been more accessible.

  • Smart Contract Analysis: Explore the intricacies of EOS smart contracts by inspecting contract codes, function calls, and associated actions. This feature is invaluable for developers seeking to optimize their code or those curious about their favorite dApps' inner workings.

  • Token Analytics: Track the movement of EOS tokens across wallets and exchanges, gaining insights into token distribution and trading activities. This feature is helpful for investors making informed decisions based on market trends.

  • Rich Visualizations: Data is more digestible when presented visually. employs interactive charts and graphs to represent network statistics, token distribution, and transaction history, allowing users to gain deeper insights at a glance.

  • Account Monitoring: Set up alerts and notifications for specific accounts to stay informed about activities related to your interests. You'll be the first to know whether it's a contract deployment or a large token transfer.

By providing detailed information about token holders, governance proposals, and referendums, empowers users to actively participate in the decision-making processes that shape the EOS ecosystem's future.


With its user-friendly interface, real-time tracking, and robust analytical capabilities, emerges as an indispensable companion for anyone navigating the EOS blockchain. From developers crafting groundbreaking smart contracts to investors making strategic decisions, unlocks the potential of EOS through transparent exploration, making the complex seem simple and the future accessible.

Author: Cristhian Rincon

Editor: Markus Hinrichs, Randall Roland

Sources & References:

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