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A distributed, open and extensible multi-chain DID domain naming system built on EOS EVM and EOS.

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

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The emergence of the EVMNS (EVM Name Service) presents a pioneering solution to this challenge by introducing a distributed, open, and extensible multichain DID domain name system built on EVM and EOS. EVMNS harnesses the power of these technologies to forge seamless connections between individuals, information, assets, decentralized applications (dApps), and more within the dynamic Web3.

This groundbreaking system leverages the strengths of two prominent blockchain platforms: Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and EOS. By doing so, EVMNS capitalizes on EOS's high performance, security, and reliability to create an environment where users can interact seamlessly across multiple chains.

Please note that a separate team known as HokenTech is also working on a project named EOS EVM Name Service, which shares similar technical features and goals. The EVMNS project mentioned in this article is being developed by EVMNS Labs.

Decentralized Identity (DID) Domain Name System

The heart of EVMNS lies in its implementation of a Decentralized Identity Domain Name System. This system is designed to provide users with a human-friendly and memorable means of engaging with the blockchain ecosystem. Just as domain names provide easy access to websites on the traditional internet, EVMNS domains offer an analogous experience in the decentralized realm.

EVMNS has adopted the ERC721 protocol standard, a well-established token standard on the Ethereum network. This standard is used to create unique and non-fungible tokens, which, in this case, serve as the basis for the EVMNS domain names. These names are distinctively suffixed with ".evm," forming a coherent naming convention for blockchain interactions.

Seamless Mapping of Names and Content

The ingenuity of EVMNS lies in its capacity to map human-readable names to a diverse range of blockchain-related content. EVMNS domains serve as dynamic vessels, linking easily memorable names to a multitude of data types. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • EVM Addresses: The core of the blockchain experience, EVM addresses can be associated with EVMNS domains, making transactions and interactions more intuitive for users.

  • EOS Addresses: Leveraging the robust EOS platform, EVMNS extends its reach to EOS addresses, enabling cross-chain functionality with enhanced performance.

  • Other Cryptocurrency Addresses: EVMNS domains broaden their utility by allowing the mapping of addresses from various cryptocurrencies, fostering a unified point of access.

  • Content Hashes: EVMNS facilitates content validation and integrity by associating content hashes with domain names, streamlining data retrieval and verification.

  • URLs and Metadata: In a world increasingly interconnected through the internet, EVMNS domains can seamlessly integrate URLs and metadata, making the decentralized web more user-friendly.


EVMNS's distributed, open, and extensible multichain DID domain name system is a significant step forward in enhancing the accessibility and usability of blockchain technologies. Through its clever integration of the ERC721 protocol standard, EVM and EOS, EVMNS paves the way for a more intuitive and interconnected WEB3 world. As blockchain technology continues to reshape industries, EVMNS stands as a testament to the innovation and creativity that drive this transformative landscape forward.

Author: Cristhian Rincon

Editor: Markus Hinrichs, Cristhian Rincon

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