EOS Chat App

Hokentech Messaging App: Pioneering Messaging on EOS EVM

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

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What is EOS Chat App?

Hoken Tech, a startup committed to research and development, has made the strategic decision to invest time and resources into exploring and advancing the EOS EVM. As part of their pioneering efforts on the EOS EVM testnet, they have successfully developed an on-chain messaging application, becoming the inaugural pilot project in this domain.

EOS Chat App - the first pilot project from Hoken Tech on the EOS EVM testnet, where they have created an on-chain messaging application.

Hoken Tech - EOS Chat App  interface

The user interface of the messaging application is designed to be intuitive, featuring familiar buttons commonly found in messaging apps. However, what sets it apart is that messages are stored on the blockchain and transmitted to the recipient's address.

By clicking the "+ NewChat" button, users can effortlessly add friends by entering their address. Additionally, they have the option to assign a name to the contact, similar to how one would add a name to a phonebook entry.

As highlighted earlier, sending on-chain messages to anyone is a relatively straightforward process. Additionally, since these messages are stored on the blockchain, the entire conversation history with friends can be retrieved.

From an anti-censorship standpoint, this feature is highly valuable. It ensures that messages and information cannot be censored, and all previous messages are permanently recorded, creating an immutable record of the conversation.

While it's true that in this example the messages are not end-to-end encrypted (E2E), meaning only the receiver can read them, the smart contract acts as an anonymous intermediary. It takes the input of clear messages and delivers them to the recipient without revealing the recipient's address.

This setup provides limited information to anyone attempting to comprehend the conversation. They won't have knowledge of the recipient or the recipient's responses, maintaining a level of privacy and confidentiality.


EOS Chat App is the outcome of thorough testing and research conducted by the Hoken Tech team on EOS EVM. The application, while straightforward, currently lacks the extensive functionality and novel features commonly found in mainstream messaging platforms. However, it effectively performs its intended purpose and incorporates all essential features necessary for exchanging encrypted messages among participants within the EOS network.

Author: Evgeny Chirochkin

Editor: Markus Hinrichs

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