
Mind Web project provides a visual knowledge base on EOS.

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago


MindWeb project specializes in the development of Online Collaborative Web3 Solutions for B2B companies, leveraging the power of EOS and Antelope Networks. Their primary focus is on facilitating the analysis and exploration of your data, enabling you to gain valuable insights. We achieve this through the integration of interactive Data Analytic Solutions, complemented by the use of meaningful MindMaps.

Key Features

Easy to sign up and use

Utilizing MindWeb is straightforward; there is no subscription model in place. Interested individuals can create an account on MindWeb.io using their email address and a chosen password.

MindWeb incorporates the "MindWeb Data Connector," a tool that enables the automatic generation of MindWeb mind maps. It seamlessly integrates with Discord Server, facilitating collaboration among colleagues on the same mind map. Additionally, users can create new mind maps directly on the platform using the "MindWeb Knowledge Builder" or upload pre-existing mind maps from their local devices.

Utilizing the EOS Blockchain

To ensure the security and integrity of the mind maps, the IPFS hash of MindWeb's "Images with all categories of the first level" mind map is stored on the EOS Atomic Hub. Furthermore, as an incentive and proof-of-work, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are issued to authors of mind maps.


MindWeb is a collaborative platform designed to serve as a repository of mind maps centered around EOS. It encourages active participation by allowing users to contribute and improve the existing mind maps free of charge.

Given the scattered nature of guides, news, videos, and code samples related to EOS across various online platforms, such as websites, Discord servers, Telegram, and other data sources, it can be challenging to locate and navigate them. However, MindWeb addresses this issue by providing a visual knowledge base through mind maps created and shared by other users interested in EOS.

Author: Terry Jin

Editor: Markus Hinrichs

Sources & References:


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