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[01.14-01.28] EOS Support Bi-monthly: 1st IBC Transfer, EVM Runs on EOS, Pomelo Analysis, Learn & Earn, Yield+ Report
[01.14-01.28] EOS Support Bi-monthly: 1st IBC Transfer, EVM Runs on EOS, Pomelo Analysis, Learn & Earn, Yield+ Report

Published on February 9, 2023

Markus Hinrichs avatar
Written by Markus Hinrichs
Updated over 2 years ago

Author: Marco González

Editor: Randall Roland

ENF Updates

The big stories for the second half of January are the first IBC transfer and a native EOS token on EVM (see the following sections). Several other projects are ready to break out as well. Consider how GameFi will benefit from DAGGs, Wordproof is helping create the trusted web, and the blockchain solutions discussed on DeCafe. Increased economic activity and TVL are examined in the December 2022 Yield+ report (01, 02). When ENF CEO Yves La Rose returned from Asia, he had important findings to share with the community. Watch as he discusses how to:

“...bridge the communication gap between different timezones through the EOS ecosystem.”

Yves was also recently interviewed on the TheBit podcast. Millions of dollars of funding are available through PomeloGrants, ENF Direct Grants, and (soon) EOS Network Ventures. Yves highlighted three projects funded through ENF Direct Grants:

  • Research for Building Rust Antelope CDT

  • The Smart Contract Developer's Handbook

  • NFT Collection Manager

Independent projects certainly can make a difference in EOS.

First AntelopeIO IBC Token Transfer (... also, IF News)

Inter-blockchain communication became official with the wrapped token transfer between EOS and the UXNetwork (01, 02, 03, 04). A fully decentralized protocol should be released soon. IBC on EOS is the combined effort of builders across the AntelopeIO ecosystem. Visit the ENF’s blog to dig deep into IBC and seamless horizontal scaling. GenerEOS and Genki also provided reviews. Reports and status updates from around the ecosystem will become more important now that IBC is here. For example, there are the recent Telos Annual Report and WAX (01, 02) updates. What good is an interconnected ecosystem without improved efficiency? Learn how IBC and IF (instant finality) work together directly from the developers.

EOS EVM Breaks Records Clocking In at 800+ tps

There’s bound to be lots of discussion leading up to the official release of EOS EVM. The community just learned how much speed EOS brings to Ethereum. At 800+ transactions per second, EOS EVM runs more than thrice as fast as the current leader. EOS EVM comes with Silkworm-backed infrastructure and pre-compiled support. However, the biggest news was that EOS will be the native utility token! The ENF pointed out that EOS EVM is designed to “enable” Ethereum. Get insight from both ENF founders in the #EOS EVM Update video.

Greymass Report, Dune v1.1, and EOS Quest Updates

Greymass’ January 2023 progress report comes with several updates and many features on the horizon. Using Anchor in multiple languages will soon be a reality on both Android and iOS. Other features users can expect are improved security, upkeep, and quality of life improvements. Integrating the Wharf Session Kit may prove the most brilliant feature Greymass adds this year as it enables web2-type functionality on web3. The ENF’s release of Dune v1.1 employs several features that aid node management, testing, and aspects of smart contract development on Leap. A new update to EOS Quest (01, 02) includes a free powerup feature, information, and UI improvements.

Class on How to Get Community Funds

As Pomelo’s 4th season closes, a new course is available for the community. Hosted by the EOS Network Foundation, the course “Pomelo: Get community funding” outlines how to leverage quadratic funding. EOS Nation is the course instructor. Other funding is available on EOS, like ENF grants. However, Pomelo is often the best place to launch new projects. Also, included in EOS Network’s Learn and Earn courses are:

  • Getting started with EOS

  • Smart Contract Development with Programming Stack

  • Getting Started with EOS DApp Development

The ENF wishes to help community members change their lives by not only learning new web3 skills but also:

“...make it easy… [and] utilize your new skills to earn money.”

Pomelo Season 4 Analysis

Each season Pomelo analyzes donations and checks for fair play. Season 4’s analysis was released with improved statistics. Not surprising since the Pomelo team methodically refines its process. For season 4, nearly $100K was reallocated from 14 projects that were either disqualified or had their matching funds reduced. Projects that played fair can look forward to increased donations (see the Public Summary) following the appeal week. Also, note that there will be a new rule change regarding self-donation (see proposed rules section). And for NFT lovers, Pomelo Astronauts:

“…built their moon bases and started exploring the surface. Today they've received a mysterious video transmission. 😱

EOS Listed Among Top On-chain Governance

Justin Bons is the founder of Cyber Capital, Europe's oldest crypto fund. He identified EOS among blockchains that have:

“successfully implemented on-chain governance”

EOS stood out among nine of the top 50 cryptocurrencies (by market cap). Yves La Rose added that the ENF:

“...will soon be releasing its industry-leading EVM.”

Yves also pointed out how a $100M+ ecosystem fund and IBC will help EOS reach its full potential and ultimately revolutionize the entire space.

EOS Community Updates: Working Together

For the first time, Eden on EOS delegates from both level 1 and level 2 (CDs) coordinated their efforts. Visit the telegram group to find out the latest information from bylaws and strategies to suggesting topics or just joining the conversation. Factor in the now-live IBC and an EOS EVM due to be released in a month, and EOS may quickly become the blockchain of choice. Oh yeah, and check out an EOS Nation tweet about National Hot Sauce Day?! 👇 more resources for exciting news from around the community:


Veteran News Sources

Other Articles, Opinions, and Announcements

A bi-monthly newsletter produced by Coverage spans from January 14 through January 28 highlighting recent events and key projects within the EOS ecosystem.

Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for expansive Web3 networks.

Sources & References

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