Enter Hypha DAO

Published on December 2, 2022

Markus Hinrichs avatar
Written by Markus Hinrichs
Updated over a week ago

Author: Marco González

Editor: Randall Roland

The future is decentralized. Hard to argue against that reality, even over the near term. Hopefully, the trend continues toward fully-distributed technologies. Such a profound paradigm shift must also include how businesses organize.

Decentralized autonomous organizations/companies/ communities (DAOs / DACs) offer solutions unique to blockchain. DAO popularity continues to grow within blockchain circles. Furthermore, the DAO concept (and its advantages) attracts new and existing companies into the blockchain industry.

Influential Projects on Antelope

Projects that gained momentum leading up to the Antelope Leap 3.1 launch include:

  • inter-blockchain communication (IBC)

  • an EOS EVM (the Trust Network)

  • and liquidity program in Yield+

Each is potentially paradigm-shifting in its own right. Together with Leap, there exists the potential to redefine the blockchain space.


So, when another project comes along and steals the spotlight, the community must take notice. Before discussing that new project creating waves, a bit of a backstory.

In recent months, EOS became known as a DAO of DAOs. The concept likely originates with Dan Larimer. The community quickly embraced the idea. Momentum for the DAO of DAOs continues to grow even though EOS’ founder infrequently ventures outside the new fractally blockchain circle.

Enter Hypha DAO

‘DAO of DAOs’ is now intimately associated with the New EOS’. Doubt it? Look how well the community received Hypha DAO. Not all blockchains support easy DAO creation. Hypha DAO brings organizations-in-a-box to the EOS ecosystem. That is tools and management for useful DAO enterprises.

ENF CEO, Yves La Rose, compared the ease of creating an organization via Hypha DAO to that of a Facebook account. An incredible characterization, and one that might be hard for some to visualize. Though, the same might be said about Antelope innovations in general.

Blockchain advances business operations, even to the point of disruption. Establishing and managing DAO tokenomics as easily as a social media account, well, that takes the game to a whole new level. It warrants serious attention.

Overview of Hypha DAO

Hypha team members span the globe. Core values include a general belief in decentralization and the tools necessary for coordinating, compensating and governance. Below are lists of the Hypha team’s technological achievements, as well as some specific DAO features and user benefits.


Hypha’s current achievements and technological progress include:

  • Advanced features

  • Innovative UI/UX notoriously difficult for blockchain applications

  • Instant on-chain actions

  • Millions of tokens distributed

  • DAO ecosystem

  • Human plus mechanistic algorithms

Advanced features incorporate on-chain payroll and governance that’s fee-free. Overall, Hypha features are robust including things like badges, quests, roles, circles and more. Its impressively innovative UI transcends operations that aren’t possible, or practical, on most blockchains.


Speaking of Hypha features, here are a few already available at this time:

  • Quick, helpful launch

  • Human-centric design

  • Open source library

  • Multichain interoperability

  • Fee-free, on-chain

  • Inclusive ecosystems

  • Transparent management and treasury

  • Robust compensation tools

  • Overall flexibility

Hypha offers more features to more DAOs in a readily deployable form than likely any other blockchain project, existing or in-development.


DAOs facilitate groups with a common cause and/or shared pool of resources. Collaboration on everything from management, hiring, and security, finds advantages when using Hypha to build DAOs. Some identified benefits include:

  • Joint voting

  • Maintenance

  • Start-up and membership costs

  • Fair governance

  • Variable incentives with useful automations

  • Reduced friction

  • And more

Next Steps

Looking to form and build a DAO? Visit the Getting Started page for 3 easy steps. There’s also a link to join the Beta program.

While not everyone reading this article may want to build a DAO right now, it’s worth noting the value that Hypha brings. If nothing else, the community should be aware of a new dynamic that impacts tokens, NFTs, collaboration, and more. Combine what Hypha offers with the new EOS running on Antelope Leap 3.1, and one finds limit only in imagination.

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