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EOS Respect Election #3
EOS Respect Election #3

Published on November 8, 2022

Randall Roland avatar
Written by Randall Roland
Updated over a week ago

Author: Marco Gonzalez

Editor: Randall Roland

Elect for accountability, that's the common theme of every EOS Respect election. Each month a group of dedicated community members come together to elect delegates and distribute treasury funds.

Impacting Community Funding through Accountability and Affiliation

Every member of EOS Respect is carefully selected. Membership criteria includes past contributions and a dedication to building a better future for the EOS Network. Accountability among all members is expected. Starting with a strong culture makes it easier to hold affiliates to the same standard.

With mission and members in close alignment, EOS Respect is in a unique position to impact community funding on the mainnet. The organization helps to advance Pomelos' vision. It brings a more personal touch.

Where Pomelo meticulously details analytics, EOS Respect members interact directly with project owners. EOS Respect maintains an affiliate list of approved projects. Listed projects must align their mission with the organizations'.

Elected members often have their own projects as well as others in mind. In this way, funding is insured by not only dedicated organizations like Pomelo and EOS Respect, but from individuals within the community.

EOS Respect Election #3 by the Numbers

The most recent EOS Respect election, #3, improved upon the previous two. Members understand what's expected and have a clearer vision of how to enact change. Note that the treasury was also increased this past month.

EOS Respect uses a modified version of EdenOS. Unlike Eden on EOS quarterly elections, EOS Respect members meet every month. Funds are distributed to delegates at a rate of 5% per month. The current treasury exceeds 11,000 EOS.

Below you'll find a few key statistics compiled over EOS Respect's first few months:

  • Active members: 36

  • Treasury: 11.443,08 EOS

  • # of elections: 3

  • Total delegates elected: 14

  • Verified promises kept: 4

  • Verification in progress: 4

  • Unspent funds: 6

Notice categories like promises kept and unspent funds. All efforts center around accountability. Keeping promises and monitoring the end destination of funds are essential starting points.

Another aspect worth mentioning are the efforts made by EOS Respect delegates to reach out to the project owners they fund. The effort is one that aids networking and builds relationships. Thus, EOS Respect also helps uplift the community.

36 active members may not seem like a whole lot, but each has proven their worth and are expected to survive, even thrive, through thick and thin.

Chief Delegates of Election #3

Five Chief Delegates were elected during the third EOS Respect election held on October 18, 2022:

  • Shuang Yang

  • Markus Hinrichs

  • Charles D. Arroyo-Bishop

  • Nicolas Davoine

  • Jin Terry

Charles D. Arroyo-Bishop was chosen by sortition for the Head Chief Delegate position. The Head Chief doesn’t currently hold special authority. It’s also worth noting that EOS Respect Chief Delegates don’t currently meet in the same way that Eden Chief Delegates do. Each is responsible for their own project(s) and complete independent accountability reports.

Given such a small community, members tend to know each other. And for those who don’t, there’s always community chat. Since virtually every member is active in the chat, it’s easy to get to know the Chief Delegates. As the community grows to include different types of affiliations, other measures may be needed to ensure visible membership.


EOS Respect election number four is scheduled for November 22. What's to be expected as the community grows? Well, for one thing, Pomelo’s fourth season will be actively accepting new grant applications by then.

Pomelo is important because it helps identify promising EOS Respect affiliates. The crowdfunding platform also presents the unparalleled opportunity to make the most of the treasury.

If past Pomelo seasons are any indication, donations won't be live on the day of EOS Respect election #4. Actually, the delay between delegates claiming funds and Pomelo scheduling is among the reasons why some funds have yet to be spent.

Initially, the organization's focus will be on identifying and networking with affiliates. When Pomelo donations open, delegates and other contributors should begin making a direct impact upon community development.

Sources & References

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