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Frequently asked questions about the Leap 3.1.0 consensus upgrade (hard fork) on September 21, 2022
Frequently asked questions about the Leap 3.1.0 consensus upgrade (hard fork) on September 21, 2022
Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over a week ago

Will EOS get a new name?

No. EOS will not get a new name. The name EOS will stay the same. Only the fork (copy) of EOSIO (the underlying codebase of EOS) has the new name Antelope.

Is Antelope a new blockchain with a new token/coin?

No, Antelope is not a new blockchain, and it will not have a new token/coin. Antelope is a fork (copy) of EOSIO 2.0 (the previous codebase that powered EOS and other EOSIO sister blockchains). Antelope is now the codebase that will power EOS and some of its sister blockchains.

When is the EOS consensus upgrade (hard fork)?

It will happen on September 21, 2022 at 13:00 UTC.

When is the snapshot for the airdrop?

Since there is no new blockchain or token/coin, there is no snapshot for an airdrop and no airdrop.

Who is developing the Antelope protocol?

EOS, WAX, Telos, and UX Network have joined forces and created a coalition of 4 blockchains that contributes to developing the Antelope codebase.

EOS, EOSIO, Antelope, Mandel, Leap... What is what?

The name of the EOSIO fork (copy) is AntelopeIO.

Mandel 3.1 (the release version name) is now Leap 3.1.

EOS, the token name stays as EOS. After September 21, 2022, EOS will run on Antelope Leap v3.1.0.

Where can I find information about how to update my node?

You can find relevant information about node upgrade at Upgrade guide to Antelope Leap 3.1

What is the advantage of the EOS consensus upgrade?

The change to codebase will enable:

Read more here and here.

Where are the new EOS code repositories?

Leap official:

CDT official:

DUNE official:

EOS System Contracts official:

Any Questions?

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Author: Dario Cesaro / Randall Roland

Editor: Randall Roland

Translator: -

Sources & References:

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