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CPU, or NET Issues

I can't sign a transaction because of a CPU or NET error message

Dario Cesaro avatar
Written by Dario Cesaro
Updated over 9 months ago

Please exercise caution. EOS Support does not assume responsibility for any potential problems, damages, or losses that may occur as a result of utilizing the services provided by the project(s) discussed in this article.

REX (Resource EXchange) transitioned from the old “staking to CPU/NET” resource model to the new EOS PowerUp Model. Staking to CPU/NET does not provide any function.

Short-term solution (if transaction is stuck):

Power up your account using the EOS PowerUp services sponsored by (the social supercomputer) and EOS Network Foundation. You can power up your account for one time for free in 24 hours. It's free for you, but remember that the EOS Community is donating EOS to this contract and is paying for your transactions. Donations can be made to the EOS Account “eospowerupio” to support the service.

More information can be found here: How to use the power up service

Long-term solution (beginners):

We recommend that you install the newest version of the Anchor Wallet. Anchor wallet offers around 5-10 free transactions per day (sponsored by Greymass). After downloading, set up a new Anchor Account, then import your private key to access your EOS account.

Anchor offers automated resource management, which will also take care of the resources. The wallet automatically calculates each transaction (RAM, CPU, and NET) as soon you used up your free transactions. This only works if the dApp also supports this new method.

Note: If you don't have EOS in your account, you will not be able to pay transaction fees. Anchor Wallet will display an “overdrawn balance” error in this case.

Long-term solution (power users):

1) Use free transactions from Anchor or from (not working with Anchor or with the mobile version),,, etc., in combination with Wombat

2.1) Rent resources (CPU/Net) for 24 hours

2.2) Deposit EOS to pre-purchase the Auto-PowerUp service

Accounts in your watch list receive automatic resources dynamically based on live usage:

Other problems?

Lost Transaction

Sometimes the transaction does not find its way into a block. Just try it again.

Author: Dario Cesaro

Editor: Randall Roland, Cristhian Rincon

Sources & References:

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